Alec Baldwin has recently stated that he plans to retire from acting at the conclusion of “30 Rock.” He basically blamed his less than stellar movie career as the impetus for wanting to leave the business.
It’s too bad really, because when Baldwin finds the right role — and, admittedly, this has been pretty rare — he can be great. Baldwin is a fine serious actor (witness his for-the-ages supporting turn in “Glengarry Glen Ross”), but he most excels at comedy — look at “30 Rock,” for proof.
In fact, in the time before “30 Rock,” I remember a poll taken by producers that listed Baldwin as the first choice among male actors they would want to build a sitcom around (Jennifer Aniston was first among actresses).
With the upcoming movie, “It’s Complicated,” Baldwin is completely in his element — and he is bringing along a few big-time co-stars in Steve Martin and Meryl Streep (as well as the very well-liked John Krasinski).
I think the movie will do extremely well — not only for the cast, but it looks like a lot of fun and it serves a market that is under represented (namely those who like their leads in comedies to skew older than 25).
Here is a brief featurette on the movie, which arrives in theaters on Dec. 25:
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Baldwin is great.
This looks like a lot of fun. Really want to see it.