A Glimpse of The Lizard’s Eyes on the Spider-Man Set


We are starting to get some glimpses at the top secret characters for the upcoming “The Amazing Spider-Man.”

A few days ago, we got some cool shots of Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy.

Today, the good people at Pink is the New Blog are treating us to a special shot of the Lizard. Sure, we can’t see much of Rhys Ifans’ makeup, or mask, or whatever they decide to use. But we do see some slight scaling around his eyes and perhaps what appears to be a covered-up lizard-ish mouth.

What do you make of it?

Marc Webb’s “The Amazing Spider-Man” will hit theaters July 3, 2012

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Kat #

    Interesting. I can see it.

  2. Andy Behbakht #

    Really want to see how he will look like after they shoot the movie and fixed him with CGI/effects 🙂

  3. moviefan #

    Nice to see them doing some or partial makeup/postestic work for lizard.