In this year’s “The Wrestler,” Jeff Bridges stars in “Crazy Heart,” a drama about a hard-living country musician who’s made his way through more bottles of booze and failed relationships than he can count. Maggie Gyllenhaal is a journalist out to get the “real” story on this man, but things get a bit complicated when this unlikely pair finds themselves drawn to each other.
In a series of clips from “Crazy Heart” we get a look at the relationship between Bridges and Gyllenhaal, a clip of Bridges singing, and, appropriately enough, a scene of him in a bowling alley where he’s offered all the free bowling he wants.
What Dude could refuse such a deal?
“Crazy Heart” plucks at your heartstrings on Dec. 16.
Source: Trailer Addict
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I might see this!
This sounds pretty good.
I am pretty interested in this!! good actors!!
If Jeff Bridges is as good in this as people are saying, I’ll see it for his performance alone.