Four Clips from ‘Priest’


Of the comic book adaptations hitting theaters this summer, “Priest” is far less well-known than the others. But while it might not have the fans of Marvel’s ‘Thor’ or ‘X-Men: First Class,” it does have action, suspense and some pretty cool special effects.

Being categorized as a sci-fi/horror/action film, “Priest” is the tale of a dystopian future, where the church is the almighty ruler of what’s left of the human race. Although the church claims all the vampires in the world have been destroyed, they are wrong.

When a young girl is taken, a warrior Priest (Paul Bettany) defies the church and goes out to save her.

In this first clip, we see Black Hat (Karl Urban), a vampire/human hybrid who is behind the infamous plot to change the world and overturn the human race. Watch as he tries to explain what he is to Lucy (Lily Collins).

“Your word mean nothing” shows one of the first encounters Priest and his new side-kick Hicks (Cam Gigandet) have with a vampire den. Just when you think he is trying to read them the Bible to possibly scare them, he shows he has a little surprise in store.

In “Rope Dart,” we see another warrior from the faith, but this time it’s a priestess (Maggie Q) and she has no problem kicking some ruffian butt and we even get to see her use a cool weapon.

In the final clip, we start off with Hicks in the middle of a breeding room for vampires and as he tries to escape, he sees Lucy being dragged away. As the vampires descend on him and the Priest, he uses the greatest weapon he possesses, his brain.

This looks like a very interesting movie, mixing horror with western and science fiction. Full of action and danger, I’m sure this is going to be a fun movie, but it looks as though it might get lost in the shuffle of this summer’s major film releases.

“Priest” will hit theaters May 13 and is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, disturbing images and brief strong language.

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  1. H Solo #

    This movie should have avoided the summer.