Hans Zimmer to Score Man of Steel


I am extremely exited with the fact that at this very moment there is a new Superman movie out there, being enhanced with special effects, polished with edits and CGI (computer graphics), and now finally scored with what I expect to be an orchestral masterpiece. I am referring to that already-finished filming “Man of Steel.”

And why am I so certain about its score? Well, that’s because it has finally been revealed who will compose the tantalizing soundtrack for the movie, and it is none other than Hans Zimmer.

Yes, this is the composer responsible for the musical masterpieces behind “Inception,” “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight.”

Fans can now breathe a sigh of relief that the “Man of Steel” soundtrack is in good hand.

Although until just a few weeks ago it seemed Zimmer wasn’t interested in the project since back in 2010 he told THR in an interview:

    “John Williams, the greatest living composer — full stop. And that happens to be one of his greatest themes. So, no. And I’m not thinking of rewriting Beethoven’s ninth either. It just sounds like a thankless task, you know? So that’s unequivocally a no. I have never spoken with Zack Snyder.”

Something seems to have changed his mind, and I am for one glad, because if it cant be John Williams, then Zimmer is a fantastic choice. He knows how to write those grand, epic-sounding scores like Superman deserves. I think he is an asset and I am glad he is joining the “Man of Steel” team, a feat we probably have Christopher Nolan to thank no doubt.

What do you think?

“Man of Steel” will fly into theaters on June 14, 2013 and it stars Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe, Amy Adams, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Christopher Meloni, Michael Shannon, Lawrence Fishburne and many more.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. moviefan #

    I hope he creates something memorable. He is a good composer. But his batman scores where not that great/and easily forgettable to me. But I also hope he doesn’t trry to do a williams score rip. I love the williams score. But I want something new and different.

  2. Rescued_By_God #

    I think knowing now that Han Zimmer will be the composer of this films score, tells us we can look forward to seeing this a hundred times more! Han Zimmer is an absolute genius. He brings films to life with his music, like no one else, and makes them all the more enjoyable. I can’t wait for next year!

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