The Portland International Film Festival (PIFF) wins another 10/10 with “Nakom,” a story about a young man, remarkably played by Jacob Ayanaba, with drive, initiative and intelligence who has the choice to take over his father’s farm or proceed on his university path to become a doctor.
A collaboration between Ghana and the US, this PIFF entry brings to full life the brain drain dilemma faced by second and third world nations.
Shot with gorgeous, exquisite care by Robert Geile and cast with Ghanaian locals, Norris and Pittman — Columbia University friends who formed a production company — have collaborated on a masterpiece which shows Feb. 20 and 21 as part of the 40th annual PIFF.
Directors: Kelly Daniela Norris and T.W. Pittman
Writers: T.W. Pittman and Isaac Adakudugu
Executive producer: Seemant Menon
Producers: Isaac Adakudugu, Kelly Daniela Norris, T.W. Pittman and Giovanni Ximenez
Production Company: Rasquache Films
Cast: Jacob Ayanaba, Grace Ayariga, Justina Kulidu, Shetu Musah, Thomas Kulidu, James Azure, Felicia Atampuri
Cinematography: Robert Geile
Editor: Tomas Vengris
Music: Daby Balde
Language: Kusaal and English with English subtitles
Awards: Audience Award for Best Film, Durban 2016 International Film Festival
Release: March 3, 2017
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