Phone Call Interrupts Jackman, Craig Play


Movie stars Hugh Jackman (he’s Wolverine) and Daniel Craig (he’s James Bond) currently are in the play “A Steady Rain” together on Broadway.

While performing recently, the megawatt duo was interrupted by a cell phone that would not stop ringing.

Luckily for us, TMZ was able to capture the incident on film (or probably — and ironically — on a cellphone camera).

This is not quite as big a problem on a film set.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Vanna #

    This is the second time it has happened to them. Joy. V. Behar (The View) tweeted about it happening at the performace of the show she attended about a week ago. Here is what she tweeted
    “A cell phone went off during the new play with Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig. Craig stopped talking and said ‘wanna get that?'” They talked about this incident on the show. Joy was quick to add they she did her tweet after the show was over.

    I think the rude people should have been shown to the door so they could take their calls in private! Theaters should have those blocking devices.

  2. Kent #

    Awkward …

  3. kathleen #

    Wow. That is crazy.

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