In the beginning, a lovely woman reports her victimization. At one point, she explains how her skin was coming off because her mother had her repeatedly washing the floor with bleach. Growing up thinking she was supposed to please others, she ended up prostituting, addicted, and in jail. But her story is how she found a way out.
There is a rich diversity of 14 stories and many interviews in seven chapters on perspectives, experiences and insights about themes related to love: Being Dealt A Bad Hand, Love and Loss, Exclusion, Making It Look Easy, Answering the Call, Hope, and Love Is…
There are also interviews with people from all walks of life, including an interspersal of comments from Pete Buttigieg, who ends with the concept that there is the Divine in everyone. Then, he asks, “What does it mean that God lovcs you and the other person you are dealing with equally?”
“A Case for Love” speaks to themes revolving around racial justice, sexual identity, military service, foster care, politics, sex trafficking, disability, loss, refugees, food injustice, and immigration. It incorporates life’s most difficult challenges.
Brian Ide, the director, is a man of faith who was initially inspired to create this movie by a friend who was connected to Bishop Michael Curry. Curry’s message about sacrificial and unselfish love was the inspiration for the focus of the film. Curry gained fame as the officiant of the marriage of Harry and Meghan. Clips from his speaking and his interview are interspersed throughout the film.
When asked in an interview by Laurel Way (Director of Communications for the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona) what Brian Ide wanted people to take away from his film, Ide responded:
“Hope. What I found being on the road with thousands of people now is that we are way more connected than the headlines want us to believe. I think there’s hope in that. There’s a lot of work in that, but when you really sit down with people from across the country, most of us are just trying to take care of our family and loved ones, and most of us are trying to figure out our purpose on this planet” (The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona).
“A Case for Love” tries to defend the growing ideological and political rift in America by presenting another way, another path, to live a less conflicted life.
Director: Brian Ide
Writers: Brian Ide and Karen Ide with Colleen Baker as story consultant
Featuring: Secretary Pete Buttigieg (Mayor Pete), NBC’s Al Roker, Sam Waterston (Law & Order), Reverend Becca Stevens (Thistle Farms), Representative John Clyburn, Dr. Russell Moore, Reverend Kelly Brown Douglas, Former Republican Senator John Danforth, Rabbi Yeheil Poupko, Dr. Mohammed Elsanousi, Rabbi Shoshana Conover, Jon Meacham and Bishop Michael B. Curry
Production Companies: Grace Based Films and SDS Pictures
Release: Jan. 23, 2024
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