— by ADAM POYNTER — Last night, the most prestigious awards of the year were presented to the leaders in the entertainment industry at the 85th Annual Academy Awards. Oscar host Seth MacFarlane presided over the festivities as emcee, and while he did an OK job, the entire night was prett[...]
Posts Tagged ‘“Django Unchained”’
Review: Django Unchained
— by SHERICE ANTOINETTE — Slavery was one of America’s egregious sins. The topic of slavery — a wound which has yet to heal entirely — is a sensitive one. Subsequently, it came of little surprise when controversy swirled around Quentin Tarantino’s spaghetti western “Dja[...]
Django Unchained Has a Release Date
— by ADAM POYNTER — As we have heard previously, Quentin Tarantino’s eighth film in his illustrious career is “Django Unchained.” And now The Weinstein Company has officially set a date for the film’s release: Dec. 25, 2012. What we know about the film so far is that it’s a[...]
Quentin Tarantino’s Next Project Revealed
— by ALEXA MILAN — He’s tackled gangster films, samurai action and historical epics and now … spaghetti westerns? It looks like that’s the genre director Quentin Tarantino will tackle next, according to details revealed during the weekend about his next project. Taranti[...]