— by ADAM POYNTER — After the massive success of “Transformers” in 2007, Paramount Pictures immediately green-lit a sequel, “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” for 2009 and although it was a commercial success, fans and critics were not happy with the film. Now director Michae[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Patrick Dempsey’
Trailer: Flypaper
— by ADAM POYNTER — How terrified and scared would you be if you went into your bank, just for a simple deposit or withdrawal, and found yourself stuck in the middle of a robbery? Would it be even worse if a second robbery occurred while the first was taking place? That’s exactly[...]
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Music Featurette
— by ADAM POYNTER — As summer approaches, we are preparing for a barrage of blockbusters to be landing in theaters. One in particular that has been laying low in comparison to others in terms of the promotional material it has released is “Transformers: Dark of the Moon,” the third a[...]
Patrick Dempsey wants to play Doctor Strange
— by SEAN GERSKI — Patrick Dempsey is one of the most popular stars of one of TV’s most popular shows (“Grey’s Anatomy”), but the 45-year-old actor has a dream project: Marvel’s Doctor Strange. Dempsey has been rumored for the part in the past, but in a new [...]
Under Review: ‘Valentine’s Day’
— by ALEXA MILAN — Remember how “Love Actually” made the ensemble rom-com seem like such a good idea? That movie was charming, heartwarming, funny, sensitive and had a long list of prominent actors (Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant, Keira Knightley, Billy Nighy, Colin [...]
14 Clips from ‘Valentine’s Day’
— by ALLISON HIGGINBOTHAM — When I saw the trailer for “Valentine’s Day,” my first thought was “Huh. So it’s an American version of ‘Love Actually’?” Judging from the clips below, my assumption wasn’t wildly off. They both star A-listers and center around love[...]
Trailer Talk: ‘Valentine’s Day’
— by SEAN GERSKI — There have been a few recent examples in the “make a romantic movie with several interwoven plots and put a lot of stars in it” genre, but none of them has done it with more big-name stars than “Valentine’s Day.” Check out this cast: Julia[...]
Behind the Scenes of the Star-Studded ‘Valentine’s Day’
— by ALEXA MILAN — Every February, a romantic comedy is released that is marketed as the perfect Valentine’s Day movie. Last year, it was the ensemble comedy “He’s Just Not That Into You.” This year, the rom-com of choice that women (and some men) everywhere will drag their[...]