‘Toy Story 3’: Drawn to Animation


Eleven years after the release of “Toy Story 2,” the “Toy Story” franchise is continuing with “Toy Story 3.” Going this long between films is tricky. The kids who grew up seeing the films have grown up, but not to the age where they would have their own kids to take to the movie. Parents who saw “Toy Story” with their kids probably don’t have more kids who would be this film’s target audience.

On the other hand, it’s doubtful you would have to see the first two films to get “Toy Story 3,” so any parent could take their child to see it. And, of course, fans of animation would want to see the continuation of this groundbreaking series.

The marketers also are priming the pump for the new movie. Last year, a “Toy Story” game was released for the Wii and a 3D double feature of “Toy Story” and “Toy Story 2” was run in theatres.

The featurette below promotes the new film while also reminding everyone that their favorite characters from the first two films will be back. It begins with the director, Lee Unkrich, explaining who he is and what all characters are returning for “Toy Story 3.” Next, clips are shown from the film. Most are just funny snippets, but some give background to the plot. One even shows a new character: a bear in lederhosen. Unkrick then states that “Toy Story 3” will be in state-of-the-art 3D, though on the computer we don’t get to see the clip that follows in 3D.

“Toy Story 3” will hit theatres on June 18 and Tom Hanks and Tim Allen return to lend their voices to Woody and Buzz.

Source: Trailer Addict

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  1. moviefan #

    should be interesting to see how toy story 3 turns out. I did enjoy the first two movies as a kid/young teen. Though now in my early 20s its still fun to see these types of movies from time to time.

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