It is very noteworthy to me that some actors continue to confidently make movies in genres in which they have had hits and perhaps even more misses. This is the case for Tim Allen. Even though he has had some not so well received comedies, he still manages to land successful roles periodically — i.e. “Toy Story,” “Galaxy Quest” and “Wild Hogs.”
The trailer below is for “Crazy on the Outside.” It is Tim Allen’s latest, and he will be directing it, too. This will be his first attempt at directing; that alone will be interesting to watch.
I wasn’t sure what to think about this movie when I first heard of it. I thought the title sounded too much like his previous movies, but after watching the trailer, there were a few things that made me excited for the movie.
I really miss Jeanne Tripplehorn — it feels like I haven’t seen her in ages. I always thought she was underused, even though she was in some big movies like “The Firm,” “Basic Instinct” and “Waterworld.” Also, I just love it when some actors keep working together, like Tim Allen and Ray Liotta. They were great in “Wild Hogs,” Tim really stood out for me (although William H. Macy stole the show). It will be fun for the gang to be back for “Wild Hogs 2.”
Also in this movie is Kelsey Grammer, who was in “Toy Story” with Tim Allen as well. I am looking forward to seeing the chemistry between these two in a live-action movie, compared to their animated outings together.
Allen plays Tommy Zelda. The trailer shows some craziness going on around the life of his sister, who is portrayed by Sigourney Weaver. This is definitely not the type of role we are used to seeing her play. And finally, J.K. Simmons (J. Jonah Jameson himself) is going to be showing us more of his comedic side that was so well received with “Spiderman.” The cast seems to be pretty solid, and the trailer is pretty hilarious. Hopefully, it is enough to pull the numbers in at the box office.
We will know for sure on Jan. 8, 2010, when “Crazy On The Outside” is released.
Follow Josue Sanchez on Twitter at http://twitter.com/Josue_can.
That looks kind of good.
I have to admit — I expected much worse.