Trailer Talk: ‘Get Low’


People attend all kinds of parties in their lives – proms, graduation parties, weddings, baby showers. But attending your own funeral party is decidedly not the norm, unless of course you’re Felix Bush (Robert Duvall) in “Get Low.”

Felix is a hermit who has lived most of his adult life confined to the woods in a small Southern town. The townspeople have told story after story about Felix, but few people know the truth about the man’s life.

He finally steps out of hiding when ventures into town to tell funeral parlor owner Frank Quinn (Bill Murray) he wants a funeral, but not a relative or acquaintance’s funeral — his own funeral. He invites the townspeople to join him at his funeral party and share all the stories they’ve heard about him, but before long he realizes he should take the opportunity to tell everyone exactly why he’s been hiding in the woods for so long.

“Get Low” performed well at the Toronto International Film Festival, so it’s no surprise the film is finally making its way to theaters. It looks like an interesting Southern comedy-drama with a little bit of mystery thrown in, and the great cast should work in the film’s favor.

Also starring Sissy Spacek, Lucas Black and Bill Cobbs, “Get Low” hits theaters July 30.

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  1. 1

    The premise alone makes me think of the episode of ‘Futurama’ when Bender arranges his own funeral for an ego boost…then keeps popping out of the coffin to criticize everyone for not being sad/sincere enough over his “death.”

  2. Rob #

    This looks amazing–excellent cast, great story, very promising. I hadn’t heard of this; thanks for the writeup.

  3. annielicious14 #

    tee hee Rachel that’s spot on! tee hee

    This look like a must see to me!