The second trailer for Rob Marshall’s upcoming film, “NINE,” which opens in limited theaters on Dec. 18 (expanding wide Christmas Day), is much like the first — except that it’s completely different. Like the first, the trailer is entirely a song, with fast-cutting snippets from the film dashing at us. However, unlike the first, this one focuses much attention on the production of the song itself, which is sung by Kate Hudson.
Not usually a fan of hers, Ms. Hudson can give a good performance (see “Almost Famous”) and here she seems not only to be having a lot of fun singing “Cinema Italiano.” The number is elaborate and lush and sexy.
The film itself looks to be a very curious mixture of music-video hyper-flash and handheld black-and-white, the latter no doubt influenced by the Italian neo-realism that drenches the world of the film’s story’s director, played by Daniel Day-Lewis. Many, including me, are big fans of the source material — which is to say Fellini’s “8 1/2” not Broadway’s “Nine” — and are excited to see how that visual style will be used.
If there is one thing that doesn’t work, it is that if there’s one person I don’t need analyzing Italian neo-realism via song-and-dance, it’s Kate Hudson. The song itself doesn’t really do the movement justice, although it is undeniably catchy. This will not bother most people I am sure, and it is a minor qualm.
With Day-Lewis’ clean-shaven, hat-wearing, ever-smoking director-in-brooding and the women and the dancing and the scope, there is absolutely no doubt that “Nine” is one of the must-see movies of the year.
Source: Trailer Addict
Follow Jason Eaken on Twitter at http://twitter.com/EAKEN.
I liked the first trailer better. But I find it interesting that this one is pimping Hudson so hard. Out of all the women in the movie, her role is one of the smallest. Regardless, I’ll be seeing this as soon as it opens.
I suspect this film will baffle and infuriate legions of mainstream filmgoers.
It’s not exactly my cup of tea, but I can appreciate the work that goes into a movie with this kind of theme.