Trailer Talk: ‘The Last Song’


In an effort to find good in everything, I was able to extract various positive things about the trailer below for the movie, “The Last Song.”

The movie stars Greg Kinnear, Kelly Preston and Miley Cyrus. For starters, it was written by Nicholas Sparks, and that alone is a positive, for Sparks has earned a celebrated reputation for his writing. His previous works include “The Notebook,” “A Walk To Remember” and “Message In a Bottle,” to name a few. This time around, he was asked to write both the book and screenplay for this movie. By the looks and feel of the trailer, his style and feel of writing has been successfully transmitted into film. Will it be as successful as his previous outings? Will adults accept Miley Cyrus as a serious actress? (More to come about Miley later.)

I have so much respect for Greg Kinnear, and I have enjoyed most of his movies. His work in both “As Good As It Gets” and “Little Miss Sunshine” will forever keep him in my list as a top actor. I believe he is the aspect of this movie about which I am most curious. He steals all the scenes in the trailer below, and I believe he will pour his heart into this role as he always does.

The next cast member I would like to discuss is Kelly Preston. The former model-turned-actress has had her share of good movies and bad movies, but she has been in some classic ones like “Space Camp” “Twins,” and “Jerry Maguire.” She can be funny, and she can be serious, which is what has kept her working in showbusiness all these years, being beautiful hasn’t hurt her either.

Finally, there is the matter of Miley Cyrus. Some are saying this movie is a vehicle to introduce Cyrus to older audiences. If this is the case, then perhaps, they are going about it the right way. They picked great actors to play her parents, so that aspect is covered. Her acting skills will be tested, for she is going to have to sell being a troubled teenager trying to reconnect with her father as her mother’s wedding to another man approaches. This is far off from her role on her TV show, “Hannah Montana,” but if she pulls it off, this will be yet another aspect of career in wich she has succeeded. Like it or not, she has made a name for herself and succeeded at most of the goals she has set for herself.

This movie is about second chances, and many, myself included, will be able to relate to some of the characters in this movie.

One final thing, the theme song is provided by Miley.

“The Last Song” will be released on April 2, 2010.

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  1. Kat #


  2. Cam Smith #

    Kinnear is infallible in my book. He even manages to redeem a trailer with quasi-erotic seashell body-tracing in it. That’s skill, people!