Two Clips From ‘A Single Man’


Is “A Single Man” a heartbreaking drama, or an overly-pretentious art piece? Judging from its silent trailer alone, it could go either way. Now, a pair of clips are available so we can continue to judge a movie we’ve never seen.

In one, we get a look at Colin Firth in professor mode as he teaches one of his classes (and looks dashing in his nerd glasses). In the other, we get the scene where Firth receives the phone call that informs him of his long-term partner’s tragic death. That one-minute scene was enough to make me choke up a bit, so I know I’ll be seeing this, no matter how pretentious it may be.

Also starring Julianne Moore, Matthew Goode, Ginnifer Goodwin and Nicholas Hoult, “A Single Man” is currently playing in select cities, and will hopefully see a wider release before the inevitable Oscar nominations are announced.

Source: Trailer Addict

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Alexis #

    I’ll watch it for Colin Firth.

  2. Disco #

    I vote “pretentious.”

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