Two Red Band Clips from ‘Cop Out’


I like Kevin Smith as much as anybody does. I own all of his movies, books, comics and the “Evening with Kevin Smith” DVDs. Not only do I think he is hilarious, but I love how accessible he is to his fans. He’s “one of us” and he knows it. If you want to get a message to Smith, you can do so pretty easily.

I tell you all of this so that I you know where I am coming from when I tell you that I think that “Cop Out” doesn’t looks that great. I have watched several trailers and commercials for the movie and I have yet to laugh out loud.

The movie stars Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan, Adam Brody, Seann William Scott and Rashida Jones — five actors I like and all of whom have all done good work in the past. The most striking thing about “Cop Out,” though, is that it is the first movie directed by Kevin Smith that he didn’t write. The script was penned by Robb Cullen. So, I guess that’s where the blame may fall if the movie doesn’t pan out. However, I fully plan to see the movie in the theater, so I’m hoping I’m wrong and the movie turns out to be really funny.

Here are two clips from the movie that carry the “red band” designation, meaning you shouldn’t watch them at work (depending on where you work, I suppose) and you shouldn’t watch them if you are under 18. (Also, click here for six more clips from the movie.)

Source: Trailer Addict

“Cop Out” is due in theaters Feb. 26.

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  1. 1

    Yeah. Nothing I’ve seen of it looks particularly funny, and Willis looks completely disinterested.

  2. 2

    Smith did voluntarily pass on rewriting this one, so I’m holding out some faith.

    That first clip seems like something I’d see on 30Rock.

  3. CassandraT #

    Clips seem alright to me. I love me some Tracy Morgan and Bruce Willis.

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