‘Weird’ Trailer for Al Yankovic Biopic

— by BEN FOWLER — have released a parody trailer for a fake movie based on parody song legend Weird Al Yankovic’s “life.” It covers all the bases of a usual Oscar-baiting biopic — troubled childhood, first performance, first love, glory, rock-bottom and redemption.

All the actors involved are on top comedy form, including House’s Olivia Wilde as Madonna, and yes that is (Academy Award winner) Mary Steenburgen as Weird Al’s mother.

The biggest impact this trailer leaves with you after watching is the fact that we still haven’t got a legit biopic on the Weird One. Come on Hollywood, get your act together.

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  1. Adam Poynter #

    OMG, first of all if it evenpossible the guy portaying Weird Al is even scarier then Weird Al himelf! LOL It looks like a little bit of “Ray” mixed with “Dewey Cox” and didnt they already do this movie? It looks like the “Private Parts” movie about Howard Stern, but with less sex and nudity!

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