Author Archive

A Clip from Ridley Scott’s ‘Robin Hood’

— by CAM SMITH — I’m having a hard time building up a great deal of enthusiasm for director Ridley Scott’s looming cinematic take on the “Robin Hood” legend. Everything looks impeccable, from an art design and cinematography perspective, but none of the trailers have been[...]

‘Star Wars’: New Cartoon, Blu-rays Coming

— by CAM SMITH — Growing up, the original “Star Wars” trilogy was about as close to a religion as I had in my decidedly agnostic household. I still have vivid kindergarten-age memories of utterly reveling in unforgettably extraordinary sights like the gripping sail barge ruckus above[...]

Remember ‘Jonah Hex’?

— by CAM SMITH — Just out of curiosity, how many of you out readers knew that there was a major studio tentpole called “Jonah Hex” scheduled for release in less than two months? Based on the popular DC comic-book, and starring the likes of Josh Brolin, Megan Fox, Will Arnett and John[...]

‘Mighty Mouse’ Is On His Way …

— by CAM SMITH — People can call James Cameron’s “Avatar” a game-changer all they want, but from our current vantage point, I’m beginning to think that it was actually a certain “Squeakuel” that has had the greater influence over the impending future of cinema. I mean, Pixar,[...]

‘Runaways’ May Find Home in Movie Theaters

— by CAM SMITH — Now that “Thor” and “First Avenger: Captain America” are in varying levels of production, and “The Avengers” is currently scouting directors, Marvel Studios is finally getting into a clear enough headspace to begin focusing their attention on their movie[...]

What is Going on Behind the Scenes of ‘Thor’?

— by CAM SMITH — Any film production can be a magnet for controversy and conflict. Creative types, as a rule, don’t always see eye-to-eye, business sometimes interferes with artistry and it’s a constant struggle to realize the boundless potential of the page on celluloid. And the mor[...]

Will Paul Greengrass Take a ‘Fantastic Voyage’

— by CAM SMITH — With the “Green Zone” tanking out at the multiplex like the second coming of “Body of Lies,” and the “Bourne” franchise apparently being prepped to catch a serious case of the reboot-itis, Paul Greengrass is in somewhat desperate need of a high-profile studio[...]

Sebastian Stan Cast as Captain America’s Sidekick

— by CAM SMITH — Now this is more like it! After running fans through the metaphorical ringer for nearly an eternity over the casting of Captain America, Marvel Studios and director Joe Johnson aren’t kidding around anymore regarding casting their hotly anticipated 2011 summer tentpole[...]

Ready For Another ‘Hangover’?

— by CAM SMITH — I, like many, enjoyed the bejeezus out of last summer’s “The Hangover.” While hardly an innovative concept, it boasted sharp writing, a trio of extremely charismatic actors bouncing off one-another like a well-oiled comedy team and pitch-perfect direction under dir[...]

About That New Godzilla Project …

— by CAM SMITH — Back in 1998, just prior to the release of Roland Emmerich’s “Godzilla,” my local Zellers had a massive sale on VHS tapes chronicling the big green guy’s destructive adventures. For about a month straight, I gleefully submerged myself into his colorful, c[...]

‘Popeye’ Ready to Pop Up Again in Theaters

— by CAM SMITH — Just when I thought I’d reached my maximum height of film-geek nirvana, basking in the effervescent glow of the impending “Marmaduke” and “Smurfs” major motion pictures, Sony Pictures has seen fit to further shower me with cinematic fairy-dust from the heavens.[...]

Evolution of New ‘X-Men’ Movie Continues

— by CAM SMITH — Now that the “Captain America” casting whirlwind has settled down, and allowed the internet to temporarily experience a moment of rare calm, it’s about time for some other geek property to whip everyone up into a shark-like feeding frenzy anew. I know, how about[...]

About That Next ‘Transformers’ Movie …

— by CAM SMITH — As many will recall, “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” raised many a critic’s eyebrow when it was released late last June. It single-handedly incited the biggest argument to date in regards to the ever-increasing valley between critical reception and[...]

Buck Rogers Headed to Big Screen

— by CAM SMITH — Now that “Avatar” has amassed more riches than you or I will ever see in our insignificant, ant-sized lives, you can bet your precious Pandorian spear replicas that Hollywood is eager – nay, desperate – to replicate its success. Thus, it doesn’t require a Marty[...]