Go Behind the Scenes as The Duplass Brothers Bring ‘Cyrus’ to SXSW


Considering how so much of the movie business has become about the almighty dollar and who knows who, it’s refreshing to see a pair of filmmakers who are just thrilled to show people the movie they made.

Mark and Jay Duplass are brothers who have teamed up several times to create movies (as co-writers, co-directors, co-producers, and everything in between), with their most notable film to date probably being “The Puffy Chair.” Their latest work is “Cyrus,” a comedy starring John C. Reilly as a divorcee who falls for a single mom, played by Marisa Tomei. Unfortunately, her son Cyrus (played by Jonah Hill) is anything but pleased with this romantic development, and will stop at nothing to get between them. It’s a new spin on an old story, as the problematic child in question is usually, well, a child, and not a surly 20-something with mommy issues.

“Cyrus” recently debuted at the SXSW Film Festival, and the Duplass brothers excitedly brought a video camera with them to Texas to capture every moment of the premiere.

Before the screening they nervously chatter about how they hope people will like their movie, then after receiving a very positive response, marvel that people seem to like what they do. They even share some fun anecdotes, like the bizarrely narcissistic experience that is talking about yourself in a Q&A session. Here’s hoping that they hang onto that humbled bewilderment, because Hollywood already has enough inflated egos.

“Cyrus” received several good reviews at SXSW, and is heading for wide distribution on July 9.

Source: Trailer Addict

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  1. 1

    This is one I want to see.

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