Monsters University: Teaser Trailer


“Monsters, Inc.” — a 2001 animated feature film produced by Pixar — was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Lee Unkrich and David Silverman, and starred the voices of John Goodman as Sully and Billy Crystal as Mike, two monsters who work at a power plant that powers their monster world with children’s screams. Things in the monster world are normal until they come across Boo, a small girl from the human world and she changes everything.

There has been talk since 2005 of a sequel for another monster movie and, now, finally a teaser trailer has debuted.

“Monsters University” explores the world of Mike and Sully before they became the top “scarers” at Monsters, Inc., and tells us how the two became the unlikeliest of friends. It is the first time that Pixar has created a prequel to one of its popular films.

John Goodman and Billy Crystal return as Sully and Mike, along with the voices of Steve Buscemi, Dave Foley, Julia Sweeney, Joel Murray and Peter Sohn.

“Monsters University” will be released June 21, 2013 – and there will be a re-release of “Monsters, Inc.” in January 2013.

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