Posts Tagged ‘Rob Zombie’

The Critics Got It Wrong: ‘Halloween II’

— by TOM ELCE — “Avatar.” “Inglourious Basterds.” “Up.” Merely three of the most likely candidates to be propped up at the head of various film commentator Top 10 lists for the year 2009, a year in which 3-D began to find sure footing, James Cameron[...]

The Top 5 Razzies Snubs

— by CAM SMITH — Sure, it’s one thing to get all up in arms over the Oscar nominations. They’re the industry-standard in terms of awards, and we all feel passionate about what encapsulates the best of any given year, and want to see those responsible for profoundly moving and wowing [...]

An Alternate Ending for Rob Zombie’s ‘Halloween II’

— by CAM SMITH — Rob Zombie’s “Halloween II” was among the most dreadful films of 2009; an amateurish, often incoherent, bloody slab of boring, unimaginative pandemonium, overflowing at its greasy brim with childish supernatural symbolism and grimy hillbilly clichés. In all[...]

Rob Zombie To Direct Remake of ‘The Blob’

Fresh off his unofficial remake of “Halloween 2,” that opened with a respectable $16.5 million this past weekend, Rob Zombie has announced his next project will be a $30 million remake of the 1958 horror/science fiction film “The Blob,”[...]