Trailer Talk: ‘Breaking Point’


When you’re watching this trailer, you may get a sense that “Breaking Point” can actually be a serious contender for an indie film of this kind. That really surprised me, because when I first saw Busta Rhymes was in this I chuckled — I think we all know he should have stuck to music, as “Halloween Resurrection” is the case in point. This time around, you get a different feel from him and the rest of the cast does a great job as well.

The film tells a tale of corruption and self-realization as “Breaking Point” can be described as an action-drama that captures the drama well. Steven Luisi (Tom Berenger) was once a very prominent criminal defense attorney and attempts to come back into his career after an extremely hard struggle with drug addiction and family tragedy. Steven has to overcome a deep-seated conspiracy and his own lingering past in order to gain the redemption he desires. As Steven gets back into it, he stumbles upon a complex, high-profile murder case. He takes this case, very much against his better judgment; it leads him down a horrid path that brings him face to face with his own demons.

Throughout the case, Steven teams up with an ex-athlete turned gang member, Richard “Beanz” Allen (Kirk Jones). Together they try to reveal the truth and bring about justice in the court and on the street. To do that, they have to go head-to-head with the very murderous Al Bowen (Busta Rhymes), a very vicious gang leader and none other than Steven’s old drug dealer.

So when you go into this trailer watch it with an open mind and it may just strike you as a pretty good movie and who knows? Maybe Busta Rhymes will actually have a career in film — “Maybe.”

Written by Vincent Campanella and directed by Jeff Celentano, “Breaking Point” will get a theatrical release on Dec. 4. The DVD is scheduled to be released Jan. 12, 2010.

Source: Trailer Addict

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4 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Robb G #

    You are right, it doesn’t look as bad as I expected.

  2. 2

    When you watch “Breaking Point,” keep your eye out for PIX Morning News’ Jill Nicolini, who plays a reporter in the movie.

  3. 3

    great post as usual .. thanks .. you just gave me a few more ideas to play with

  4. Mom #

    I need to see this