Trailer Talk: ‘Monsters’


A new trailer has been released for Garth Edwards’ “Monsters.” The low-budget monster film was reportedly made for under $100,000 and is being released in the U.S. by Magnet Releasing. The movie stars Scoot McNairy as an American journalist who agrees to escort a tourist (played by Whitney Able) through an infected zone in Mexico. Half of the country was quarantined off six years previously after a NASA space probe carrying samples of an alien life form crashed over Central America. Soon after, new life forms began appearing, and the U.S. and Mexican governments have been struggling to contain the creatures.

The film played at SXSW and Cannes this year, and despite mixed reviews, the footage looks impressive (especially considering the low budget). Given the indie sci-fi/horror nature of the film, many comparisons have been made to last year’s “District 9” and 2008’s “Cloverfield.”

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  1. Adam Poynter #

    Hell, Im in! I saw District 9 and was just blown away, if MONSTERS can be anything like that then I will be seeing it as soon as it opens!