Trailer Talk: ‘Somebody’s Hero’


While offering what has become a common plot lately — regular guy decides to become super-hero — “Somebody’s Hero” is a more family-friendly version. It focuses on positive side to the taker of the mantle of being a super-hero.

Sure, this plot has become repetitive in last few years, but it is after all an important and optimistic plot for most. Those who are hopeless and without escape always dream of taking a mantle of power and overcoming their life trials that are sometimes disguised as bullies. The difference is when movies like “Kick-Ass,” ‘Super” and “Defendor” tell this story, they felt it was important to concentrate on the violent content of reality. They focused on bringing to life the violent themes that popular games and comics are used to supplying the masses with. Sure, the heroes of these films had good intentions, but hurting, blood spill and killing isn’t the message of hope the dreamers and the bullied are seeking. Rescuing and preserving life is what the greater heroes of the comic world pursued.

With this trailer below, I find a more tender version of this already popular plot. The hero is the one who brings hope to the people, and I find that refreshing. With a tag-line like “Everyone is somebody’s hero,” you can be sure this will a version you can safely watch with the whole family.

The official movie description tells us: In the heart-warming family comedy “Somebody’s Hero,” Dennis Sullivan (Christopher Gorham), an average New York City accountant, goes unnoticed by his co-workers and boss who refer to him as ghost-like. When his boss assigns him to the account of wealthy young widow Katie Wells and her son Jake, who’s fascinated with the TV superhero “Man-America,” Dennis takes an instant shine to the young boy and his mom. On his way home from their meeting, he spies The Imagination Superstore, where he decides to try on the Man-America uniform. But when he steps out of the dressing room, he unexpectedly discovers an armed robbery in progress. He bravely takes on the thief and thwarts his efforts to rob the costume store. When security camera footage of the failed heist leaks, it causes a media frenzy. Apparently, like young Jake, the rest of New York City too needs a superhero to believe in. Now, the average guy must become the superhero everyone wants him to be, despite his total lack of super powers.

Christopher Gorham is building a name for himself. His popular hit TV show “Covert Affairs” (where he plays Auggie Anderson) has placed him on people’s radar, and ladies really like him. All of the sudden, he is in magazine covers and articles. It will be cool to see him in this role, since it is very different to the one on his TV show, where he pretty much plays a remarkably-talented blind secret agent.

One thing this movie does have in common with previous similar formula films is the superhero costumes are really terrible. Sure, in this movie he did not create the costume; instead, he actually just dresses up as a popular movie hero from the movie’s universe. But, c’mon, take the time to create something more heroic. I guess they are attempting to suggest the average person cannot design or fill a super-hero suit graciously.

The trailer doesn’t give the impression of a big-budget film. There isn’t any flipping-around aerobic stunts or machine gun fire. This is a heartfelt story, it’s what you get in the trailer, and it will be what you get in the movie. So, check it out, and let us know what you think. Will this movie go down the same lackluster route in the box-office as its more violent counter parts did? Will it even make it to theaters?

At this time, there is no release date for it, so it is possible it will be doing rounds at film-festivals before the rest of us get to watch it.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Adam Poynter #

    I get the whole family aspect of the superhero movie, it looks more like a made for tv movie then a big blockbuster, but I will probably see it.

  2. Phill Holbreck #

    Nice post, Josue 🙂 Well put! Will watch for this one.

  3. Catia #

    Is that Giant Silva in the movie? I could reconize his voice….I hope see him acting again soon.
    I would like to know when the film will come out.
    Thank you!

  4. Rachel Taylor #

    Came out today on Sky. Great movie – it is heatwarming and a bit of a tear-jerker. Gorham is fabulous in it… definitely worth watching.

  5. Melanie Hughes #

    Just heard it will be at the Newport Beach film festival for any of you that can make it!

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