Two Clips from ‘Diagnosis Death’


This film is actually a horror comedy and from the clips that you see, I’m not really sure were the comedy is. The first clip shows Dr. Cruise (Bret McKenzie) bickering with the nurse over whether the patient lying on the floor is having a convulsion or a seizure; neither of which is very funny, so the first is fairly lame. The second shows Mr. Chang (Raybon Kan) visiting his doctor (Rhys Darby) who gives him a fatal diagnosis and proclaims he only has two months to live, once again, not very funny but at least this one tries.

The film is based around a facility that tests new medications on willing volunteers, but during the testing, a possible double murder has taken place at the facility. They realize the only way to escape is to figure out the mystery behind the murders. I honestly felt I have seen the same exact plot; I just can’t remember from how many movies.

All in all, I have always enjoyed films like this. I’m not really sure why, but nonetheless I still do. This one just seemed to have rubbed me the wrong way and the acting didn’t help. Judge for yourself as the clips are very short and you can own “Diagnosis Death” Dec. 29 if you find it to your liking.

Source: Trailer Addict

(In case you were wondering, although “Diagnosis Death” features the three main stars from “Flight of the Conchords” — Bret McKenzie, Jermaine Clement and Rhys Darby — this movie has nothing to do with the show.)

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4 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Disco #


  2. Disco #

    That’s a comedy?

  3. Dani #


  4. Lucy #

    Looks like a cool film, can’t wait! I’m a huge fan of Bret McKenzie!!!