A Clip from ‘Superman/Batman: Apocalypse’


Here is a perfect example of why I am so anxiously awaiting the next animated DC full-length feature film “Superman/Batman: Apocalypse.” This clip will really get you excited as it teases us beyond what we already expected to see in the movie.

It shows just how good the animation, the action and story for this movie will be. I mean check out the coolness of the characters. Do you love Batman? I don’t think he has ever looked better!

Wait, is that a spaceship with Kryptonian writing all over crash landed on the ocean floor? Is that Kryptonite on the ground all around the ship? Who is that a mysterious blond girl stealing the Bat-boat? It appears they are following the “Superman/Batman” storyline form the comics, and they are introducing Supergirl. In this timeline, Superman (Kal-El/Clark Kent) has not met Supergirl yet. If it is anything like the comic book that I just dusted out of my garage, then we are in for a real treat.

Well, this clip may be considered a spoiler but it is spectacular. Short enough to tease but not long enough to ruin the plot for us.

And if you are as excited as I am, just know it is exactly one month away! Superman\Batman: Apocalypse will be released on DVD and Blu-ray Sept. 28.

. . .

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3 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Adam Poynter #

    Looks pretty interesting, I cant wait to see it!

  2. bigge3021 #

    Looks great. Can’t wait to see it. =)

  3. Andy Behbakht #

    Only 2 weeks until it’s out! 😀

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  1. A Second Clip from ‘Superman/Batman: Apocalypse’ /  It’s Just Movies 14 02 11
  2. Under Review: ‘Superman/Batman: Apocalypse’ /  It’s Just Movies 14 02 11