Brussels Animation Film Festival Winners Announced

The Brussels International Animation Film Festival came to an end on Feb. 20 with the award ceremony for the Festival’s national and international competition. In the international category, the medium-length film “DIVERS IN THE RAIN” by Olga and Priit Pärn (Estonia) walked away with the Anima 2010 Grand Prix, offered by the Brussels-Capital Région.

In the graduation film category, Bella Szederkenyi from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary, received the jury’s votes for her film “ORSOLYA.”

In the Belgian competition, the French Community Grand Prix for the best short film was awarded to Rémi Vandenitte for “GRISE MINE,” while “BOOMKRUIPER” by Dries Bastiaensen received the TV Paint Award for best student film. The SACD Award went to “AU BAL DES PENDUS” by Johan Pollefoort and the Sabam Award was won by Delphine Renard and Delphine Cousin from the Atelier Zorobabel with their film ARAL.

Over the nine days, the Flagey hallways and theatres were full of a public eager to discover all the different facets of world animation from ten in the morning to way past midnight. The success of the “Animatins,” the Animated Night, the “Meakusma” VJ mini festival, the ABC workshops for the kids, Robert Bennett’s Master Class, the retrospectives, the competition screenings and the Futuranima professional days certainly boosted the attendance of a festival that is widening onto a European register.

Anima 2009 saw a record attendance. This year, once again, the results are sure to meet the expectations of the organizers, Folioscope: the final figure will probably be within the region of thirty thousand visitors, whose presence was certainly felt with the numerous “sold out” screening sessions. The number of foreign visitors is also on the rise along with the number of participating countries, which indicates that the enthusiasm continues for a festival that has managed to combine an attraction for the general public with the requirements of industry professionals.

The next edition of Anima will be the 30th anniversary, and will take place in Brussels from March 4 to 12, 2011.

A still from "Divers in the Rain," winner of the Anima 2010 Grand Prix.

Courtesy of

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1 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Q #

    I’d love to go to this festival.

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