Five Clips from ‘Sanctum’


Nature has proven itself time and time again that it can be a villain that is visually captivating to film, and now with 3D worlds coming at us from every marketing perspective possible, it’s only natural that landscapes are vastly becoming the main character in films, successfully.

In “Sanctum,” the landscape is most definitely the main character — as well as the villain.

The clips below are mouthwatering and actually hook an audience in, discretely. Cave-diving is a very curious profession, and definitely unique, as I personally have never met a diver. I find it delicious that Mr.Fantastic (Ioan Gruffudd) parachutes his way down to the depths of this cave. The clip really captures the exhilaration of partaking in such a thrill-induced effort. Japanese tanks, evil waterfalls, waiting for death and fighting for air — the main characters have a platter-full of not-so-tasty obstacles.

From the clips I have seen, ‘Sanctum’ is taking huge risks on all levels. Anytime you have James Cameron’s name attached to a project, it needs to be better than the rest. And it’s especially risky for anything with Cameron’s name stamped on it to be in 3D. Nothing likely will ever compare to “Avatar,” or the gorgeous world of Pandora. “Sanctum” is no exception and has huge expectations from critics and audiences alike.

“Sanctum” — which is based on a true story, making it a tad more enticing in my opinion — is in theaters now.

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Ben #

    I want to see this, but I’m surprised they put it out Super Bowl weekend. I’ll probably see it next week (Maybe).

  2. Jessika #

    Keep an eye for my review!

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