Four Clips from ‘Mrs. Nobody’


Based on these clips from the fantasy romance “Mr. Nobody,” the tagline “Nothing is real, everything is possible” seems particularly fitting.

The off-the-wall, fantastical tale centers on Nemo Nobody (Jared Leto), a man who wakes up one day only to discover the year has jumped to 2092 and he is now nearly 120 years old. He’s the oldest man alive and the only remaining mortal, for in 2092 humans never die.

As a group of men in this futuristic society attempt to get Nemo to remember his past, Nemo relates several contradictory tales. When his parents separate, in one reality he leaves with his mother while in another he stays with his father. In three different realities, he marries each of the three women in his life (Diane Kruger, Sarah Polley and Linh-Dam Pham). He wonders if he made the right choices in his life, and as he is on his deathbed, fears he hasn’t lived enough.

It’s difficult to categorize “Mr. Nobody,” especially if in addition to the clips below you watch the full trailer, which shows more of the 2092 society. It certainly seems like a whimsical tale, but with its convoluted storylines and many realities, “Mr. Nobody” could either turn out to be quite moving or hard to follow.

“Mr. Nobody” debuted in North America at the Toronto International Film Festival last September. No U.S. release date has been set.

Check out four clips from the film below.

Source: Trailer Addict

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4 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Mo GB #

    I’d like to check this one out.

  2. Lynn #

    For a moment there, when the father cried “Nemo!!” at the train station, I frankly had a flashback and really thought seeing little fishes swimming all around me *shivers*
    All jokes aside, I like the idea that the choices you make definitely define how you live your life and what happens to you. Do fate and destiny really exist? Who knows? But making choices is what we have to do everyday and they definitely make our lives better or worse.
    I’m interested!

  3. Bev #

    Alexa, you got a tough quartet of trailers to review for this movie. You are right, it could “turn out to be quite moving or quite off-putting.”

    Anyway, thanks for reviewing this. I’ll be looking to see what your final verdict is after viewing the film. Should we see it or not? Or maybe you won’t be able to decide…

    “As long as you don’t choose, everything remains possible.”

    That is such an interesting thought. But the converse, if you don’t choose nothing is possible is a little more realistic.

  4. annielicious14 #

    Well that sucks ……. Missed it at the festival. Now will have to wait and see…. I’ll be keeping an eye out for this. Gotta support my Canadian peeps! And Jared Leto is not a factor at all! winks! tee hee