Four New Clips from ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’


Most people will be able to associate a part of themselves with Steve Rogers, a man who is lacking in the physical department, but is pure of mind and spirit. His courageousness and pureness of heart is what helps his be chosen to undergo an experiment to create the perfect super solider.

Rogers is the title character in the upcoming film, “Captain America: The First Avenger,” from Marvel and Paramount Studios.

There are four new clips from the movie (embedded below). We have seen bits and pieces of them in the previously-released trailer and television promos, but now for the first time we are able to see them in their entirety.

In “Grenade,” we catch up with Col. Chester Phillips (Tommy Lee Jones) as he discusses Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) and his lack of physicality with Dr. Abraham Erskine (Stanley Tucci) and how another solider is more physically qualified to undergo the experiment. When the group of soldiers is tested it is apparent who the most is worthy.

In “Rebirth,” we get to see the actual process of the super solider injection. With the technology developed by Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper), the scientists and technicians watch and as things start to seem wrong, they want to stop the process but Steve tells them not to. Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) has a concerned look in her eyes and it looks as though she has already started to have feelings for Steve. I love the look in everyone’s eyes, especially Col. Chester Phillips as the chamber opens and his new physically-dominant body is revealed.

The third clip, “Shield Intro,” has Howard Stark going over the different weapons and defense devices that they are developing for Steve, and even though it isn’t one of the choices, he finds a very special and unique shield that will ultimately become one of Captain America’s greatest iconic weapons. Peggy’s arrival and actions in the scene seem to upset and confuse those in the room, but I’m sure there is some sort of back-story to why she did what she did. The inclusion of vibranium in the films story is a very cool aspect as I remember it plays a major part in quite a few Avengers story-lines.

The fourth and final clip is by far one of the best. In “Shield Fight,” we get to see Captain America and the patriotic shield in action! The score really helps to set the mood as Captain America takes on agents of HYDRA. Also, the sound design of the shield as it interacts with the objects he throws and bounces it off of is cool and unique as well. This scene really sets up the type of action that there will be in the film and this really pumps me up to see it.

What did you think of these four clips? I was hoping to see a bit of the film’s main antagonist Red Skull (Hugo Weaving) in some of them, but I’m sure the studio wants to keep as much about him as possible under wraps until after the film’s release to keep fans surprised when they first see the movie. I don’t know where you will be next weekend, but I will be doing what I can to be seeing this movie.

“Captain America: The First Avenger” is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action and sci-fi violence and hits theaters June 22.

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  1. Eli #

    Some great clips and I agree would’ve loved to see a clip of Red Skull but also agree the studios are not releasing it due to keeping us in suspense when we watch this film next weekend.