Fox Set To Reboot ‘Fantastic Four’


20th Century Fox has decided to start over with its “Fantastic Four” movie franchise.

Only two years after the release of the last installment, the decision was made to start over with the Marvel comic book adaptation.

Variety has reported that Fox has already put this in motion with the hiring of “Hancock” producer Akiva Goldsman. Michael Green of “Heroes” is lined up to write the script.

“Fantastic Four” was released by 20th Century Fox in 2005. Its sequel, “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer,” was released in 2007.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Vanna #

    I wish DC/WB was half as supportive of its franchises as Marvel seems to be. It’s like a slap in the face to all the Superman fans that the other heroes get treated more seriously by the people in charge than he does. I am sure the fans of the Fantastic Four will be happy to hear this news.

  2. Sean Gerski #

    Honestly, I am pretty tired of the push to reboot so many series.

  3. Kat #

    What was wrong with the two movies that came out? I thought they were pretty good. Why rebot a series that was well liked.

  4. 4

    I agree. Enough with the reboots!

  5. 5

    Im really glad for this news I did really care for the last two films they were too joking no story or plot what so ever.