French Trailer for Cosmopolis


The French trailer for David Cronenberg “Cosmopolis” is up and it certainly shows Robert Pattinson in a different — and very adult — light.

Cronenberg, whose latest film was the critically-acclaimed “A Dangerous Method,” adapted this dark and seductive film, originally penned by Don DeLillo. The film follows a day in the life of billionaire Eric Parker on his journey to get a haircut.

Like “Method,” sexuality plays a key part in this thriller set in an alternate Manhattan. The teaser begins with a half-naked Pattinson as Parker. “I’m looking for more. Aim and fire, come on, do it, flick the switch,” he says to a scantily clad woman with a gun. Does she fire? We don’t know as the teaser quickly cuts to another scene where Parker shoots a bullet through his own hand. Pretty twisted, right?

A collage of random and weird images then follow. Someone gets brutally stabbed in the eye. There’s a big rat moving down a busy intersection. Parker is seen relieving himself in the back of the limo. Cut to a sex scene that takes place in the same limo.

Basically a lot of stuff happens in the limo.

Next, we get a quick glimpse of Samantha Morton. Shots are fired and in the end, Parker points the gun at himself. This trailer is quite the assault to the cerebrum … I think I’m hooked.

“Cosmopolis” is certainly a risky venture for “Twilight” star Pattinson and it’s one I can respect for the simple fact that Parker is the furthest thing from the sparkling vampire Edward. And since “Cosmopolis” isn’t poised to be a blockbuster hit, Pattinson went for substance over a paycheck. As for the supporting cast, it’s pretty solid. Samantha Morton, Paul Giamatti, Juliette Binoche and Jay Baruchel lend their talents to tell this Kubrick-esque tale.

As of now, there isn’t a domestic release date for “Cosmopolis,” but it debuts in France on May 23.

What did you think of the 30-second teaser? I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

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