Writer Gary Ross recently appeared on American Film Institute, where he talked about how he has begun to write the “Spider-Man spinoff” movie “Venom.”
Ross said “Venom” will be an “ambiguous protangonist” and the movie will allow him to “investigate two sides of human nature in a way that are going to be really interesting … within the context of a Marvel comic.”
He also talks about the modern world of moviemaking, where film makers need to try to find ways to “trick the marketplace.”
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sounds interesting. I wonder how this will turn out if it does actually happen.
He calls it a “spin off” from Spider-man. Is the guy from “That ’70s Show” still playing him?
Sounds good to me. 🙂
A VENOM spin-off is a really terrible idea.
I’m not sold yet on the need for this.
I’ll be happier if they are bringing Topher Grace back.