Joe Johnston Wants to Make a Boba Fett Movie


Now I don’t want to get my hopes up, but the folks over at Screen Rant are doing a really good job teasing the geek-sides of the multitude of Star Wars fans out there.

They were fortunate enough to interview Joe Johnston, who just finished directing “Captain America: The First Avenger.” And despite how much I want to watch the Captain America movie, something else was brought up at that interview that is of great interest to me, and I’m sure a great deal of others.

At some point during the interview, Johnston was asked if his old mentor George Lucas has seen a preview of his Captain America movie, and here is what he had to say:

    “You know if he wants to see it, I would show it to him. I’m trying to get George to make a feature based on Boba Fett.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but the implications of just that comment could give “Star Wars” fans something to talk about for the next couple of decades.

Like Screen Rant pointed out, this brings up a plethora of questions, but it is possible that if Lucas is going to trust anyone else with his beloved franchise, or aspects of it, Johnston would be the one.

They worked together for decades and he was the designer and visual effects art director on “Star Wars,” “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi.” Which also makes him responsible for having a hand in creating the design for none other than Boba Fett.

This may be us grasping at straws, and it may never see the light of day, but if Lucas is on board with Johnston’s idea of a Boba Fett movie, I am all for it.

“Star Wars: Attack of the Clones” did an OK job showing us his origin. Yet, besides answering where he came from, the rest of his life up until the events in “Return of the Jedi” are an open book, and a great premise to be explored.

“Clones” also showed us his father, Jango Fett, in action, which, in a symbolical way, was the closest we would get to see Boba Fett himself in action since he is Jango’s clone. I loved the face-off between Obi-wan Kenobi and Jango Fett in this movie. To think that Jango, who has no Jedi powers, actually gave a Jedi a hard time was impressive.

What do you think? Are you ready to get in line and camp out a week early to watch this? I am.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    I have thought this would be a fantastic idea for years. And Johnston would be a great choice for the job.

  2. 2

    A Boba Fett movie would be cool, but who would they get to play him? The same actor that play him previously? It could also be an true origins story focusing more on his upbringing and training.

  3. Jackson #

    This is a hilariously terrible idea.

  4. Raimund Jam #


  5. hal9000 #

    It’s thinking like this that spawned the prequels. We don’t need more Boba Fett.

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