Listen to Zac Efron Sing About Wheaties


Zac Efron tackles a serious dramatic role in “Me and Orson Welles” in an effort to prove he’s more than just a singing teen heartthrob from “High School Musical.” So here’s a clip of Zac Efron singing for you!

“Me and Orson Welles” takes place in 1937, when Welles was a young man working as a stage actor and director. Efron is Richard Samuels, a teenager who greatly admires Welles and attempts to get cast in a production of “Julius Ceasar” that he’s directing.

In this short clip, Samuels compliments Welles’ radio broadcast of “Hamlet,” to which Welles responds with a request for a song.

“Me and Orson Welles” has already played at several film festivals and will receive a limited theatrical release on Nov. 25.

Click here to read a review of the movie, which also stars Claire Danes and Ben Chaplin.

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  1. Kat #


  2. Disco #

    It doesn’t make me want Wheaties.

  3. Dani #

    He is still a cutie, though.