For years, we have heard about the “Superman” movie Tim Burton was gearing up to direct. And the most surprising (or disturbing) aspect has always been his choice for the Man of Steel: Nic Cage.
Anyone who knows anything about Superman can tell you Cage is flat-out wrong for the role.
We have heard about the test screenings in which Cage supposedly had taken part. However, we have never seen any actual pictures of Cage in the Superman suit … until now … maybe.
In what is calling an exclusive, a shot purportedly of Cage as Superman has surfaced. If the monstrosity that is this picture was not already staring at you from the top of this page, I would describe it to you. But obviously, there is no need. This is a picture that is actually worth 1,00 words — and none of them are pleasant.
Now, there is every chance this picture is a fake. In fact, in the brief You Tube clip below, you will see a concept design for the movie’s suit and you will notice it is much different than the costume Cage is wearing.
I don’t know whether Cage’s hair is long for this role or if it was long for another role. I don’t know whether this picture is real or if it’s Cage’s head photoshopped onto an action figure. All I know is that everyone of us can consider ourselves lucky that this version movie never made it to the big screen.
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The horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, whether that’s real or photoshopped, it’s horrendous either way. Makes me glad Burton’s “Superman Lives” fell through.
Is that Bizarro?
Uck, That picture makes me want to go wash my eyes out. No way is Nic Cage anywhere near right to play the man of steel, maybe a man of plastic.
I thought seeing it could never be as bad as I imagined it. I was wrong.
This does look like a potential photoshop deal, but if it is indeed real I think it should put everything into perspective when it comes to Superman Returns and why it was so easy for that project to get off the ground when presented by Singer.
Just brutal.
That may be the ugliest incarnation of Superman I’ve ever seen.
Hilariously bad.
The stuff nightmare are made off.
The Superman Returns is a work of art in comparison to this. And Brandon Routh was a fantastic choice for the Man of Steel. BRING ROUTH BACK, dammit!
That is abysmal
LOL — so weird
Oh, God …
No wonder Burton laughed out loud.
Based on the early scripts and Cage’s conversations in the past about the Superman Movie I hope he stays far away.
Why do I keep looking at it?
Talk about disturbing!! That’s how you know Halloween is near.