Short Film Theater: ‘Cut All Expenses’

— by H.G. WATSON —

What would you do to save money? Forgo the vacation you’ve been planning? Sell your house? Opt for the cheap little hybrid over a monster gas-guzzler? In Will Kraus and Dan Matyas’ short film “Cut All Expenses,” one man reaches into the darkest crevice of his soul in order to save himself from bankruptcy.

Coming in at a tight three and a half minutes, the film is very clear in its message; debt forces people to act in extraordinary ways to save themselves. As a student facing $70,000 in loan debt, I can commiserate. All credit goes to Kraus and Matyas for getting their message across in the most shocking manner possible. I won’t spoil the ending but it’s worth three minutes of your day to see it. I will say that I suspected what the ending would be, but I didn’t believe they had the courage to pull it off. I audibly gasped when my suspicions came to fruition.

I just wish I had been able to see their vision a little better. Clearly, the filmmakers were going for a dark and atmospheric cinematic style and in their enthusiasm may have gone a little overboard. Much of the acting is lost in the shadows. The audience would have felt a greater connection to the protagonist had we actually been able to see his eyes and his expressions with greater clarity, which in turn would have made the ending a little more gut wrenching. That aside, this is a solid effort and a worthwhile way to spend three minutes of your day.

“Cut All Expenses” premiered at SXSW and is available for viewing below.

Cut All Expenses from TEAM AVP 0910 on Vimeo.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Robb #

    Pretty creepy stuff. Well done. Agreed that it’s a touch too dark, though.

  2. Disco #


  3. Marc #

    Pretty cool.

  4. Bev #

    Hey – the music really carries this 3 min. attempt.

  5. 5

    So I made this movie.
    Possibly of note is that both will and I are high schoolers. We are both seniors this year and made this short our sophomore year.
    I just found this review but wanted to say thank you for looking at our film. We worked really hard on it and I’m glad to see that it reached someone.
    Thank you!
    Daniel Matyas

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