Six Clips from ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World’


I’m going to be blunt. “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” looks awesome. Nothing I’ve seen/heard/read so far has turned me off of it. I’m counting down the days until this bad boy hits theatres.

The plot teases with its uniqueness. Scott Pilgrim starts liking Ramona, but Scott must defeat Ramona’s “seven evil exes” before he can win her heart. The film is based off a series of six graphic novels, hence the hero/villain plot.

Director Edgar Wright is known for his previous “spoof” films “Shaun of the Dead” and “Hot Fuzz.” Unlike spoof films such as “Scary Movie” and “Dance Flick,” Wright’s films exploit the genre in a clever way without resorting to gross-outs and potty humor for laughs. While “Shaun of the Dead” was a take on the zombie/horror genre and “Hot Fuzz” mocked the action/buddy cop genre, “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” takes on the superhero genre, complete with text boxes that read “POW.”

The clips below set up the basic plot and show us a few of the evil exes. Funnily enough, two actors who play exes are already familiar with the superhero genre: Chris Evans of the “Fantastic Four” series and Brandon Routh (pictured above) who played Superman in “Superman Returns.”

Early reviews (including ours, which will be up soon) and Comic-con coverage of the film have given it a big thumbs up. For the rest of us mere mortals, though, we’ll have to wait until the film’s release on Aug. 13 to judge for ourselves.

“Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” stars Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kieran Culkin, Anna Kendrick, Jason Schwartzman, Chris Evans, Brandon Routh, Aubrey Plaza and Alison Pill.

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Adam Poynter #

    Just like KICK ASS redifined the comic book superhero “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” is set to redifine Michael Cera’s geeky boy next door persona and in my opinion is going to bring back the text boxes popularity of the old Batman television show. Mix all of that nostalgia with the cutting edge technology of the superheroes powers mixed with a rocking soundtrack and a group of A-Listers to play the exes, and some great comedians and you have a hit on your hands. I have been soo excited for this one and will be seeing it at the earliest possible time!

  2. Jessika #

    I’m with Adam, I concur and conquer! I can’t wait for this one! I <3 Cera so much too!

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