Some New Footage from ‘Iron Man 2’

MSN France has a new video feature for “Iron Man 2” that includes a brief behind-the-scenes look, a clip and the trailer. Unfortunately, the clip is in French and is not translated to English, but luckily our reader MissM13 (follow her on Twitter here) has kindly translated the clip for us.

Fans of Scarlett Johansson should especially like the video.

Below is a video with just the new footage:

And here is the translated dialogue:

    MAN – Mister Stark, we have verified his prints and we have found nothing. Not even his name.

    STARK – Where are we going?

    MAN – Ah, o-over there. We don’t even know if he speaks English. Actually, we don’t even know if he speaks at all. He hasn’t said a word since he got here. Not one sound.

    STARK ( Stark inaudible, mumbling) No, no, everything’s ok.

    MAN – Five minutes, ok? We are keeping an eye on you.

In addition, thanks to Screen Rant, here is a still from the video. Enjoy:

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. moviefan #

    it was a cool scene i wish i knew what they were saying urrgggh

  2. Robb #

    Man, that is one good looking woman.

  3. 3

    That was cool.

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