Students Want Admiral Ackbar as Ole Miss Mascot


The University of Mississippi has been searching for a new mascot (after jettisoning the controversial Colonel Reb) and an interesting candidate has entered the fray.

The movement to install Admiral Ackbar — from “Return of the Jedi” — as the new mascot at Ole Miss is under way and there is even an official Web site for the campaign: Visitors to the site are greeted with the following message: “We here at Notatrap are in full support of Admiral Ackbar for the new Mascot for the Ole Miss Rebels. Who wants a Colonel when you could have an Admiral?”

Here, according to his supporters, is the story: “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Admiral Ackbar received a deep space transmission of SEC coverage. He found that he couldn’t stop watching everything from Football to Volleyball. One team stood out to him, the Ole Miss Rebels. He led the Galactic Rebellion, and he knew he needed to be with the Ole Miss Rebels. And so, he started the long trek to Oxford, MS.”

The odds may be long, but Ackbar has experience fighting against the powers that be. To help him in his fight, the people behind the Ackbar for Ole Miss Mascot campaign have a Twitter page and promotional materials such as the sign below:


Reader Willie has created some art to go with the idea of Admiral Ackbar becoming the mascot for Ole Miss. Check them out below and see more of his artwork at

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Jen #


  2. moviefan #


  3. Kat #


  4. Allisonbh #

    That’s funny. I lived in MS for about a decade and never realized the Star Wars lovin’ was that huge.

  5. 5

    Well I’m a big Star Wars Fan and my Son loves Ole Miss. Don’t know that I would have exactly chose Admiral Ackbar from the Star Wars Universe as the Mascot. I would have chosen probaby Vader or Boba Fett but hey it is Star Wars and if they have to get rid of the Colonel why not make it an Admiral!

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  1. uberVU - social comments 26 02 10
  2. Students Want Admiral Ackbar as Ole Miss Mascot | It's Just Movies | College Sports Nation 26 02 10