Posts Tagged ‘“Date Night”’

Under Review: ‘Date Night’

— by MARIUSZ ZUBROWSKI — Considering a human has the potential to live more than a hundred years, it’s no surprise that there are periods of time where one becomes disenchanted with the pleasures of life. These stalling moments can be caused by prolonged depression, lack of accomplishm[...]

Eight Clips from ‘Date Night’

— by ALEXA MILAN — Steve Carell and Tina Fey are two of the funniest people on TV, consistently delivering laugh after laugh on their back-to-back NBC comedies, “The Office” and “30 Rock.” I’m actually surprised they’ve never acted together before[...]

A Scene from ‘Date Night’

— by RACHEL COYNE — I’m generally not a fan of the movie clips that studios release before their movie opens. When watched without any context and with only knowing the basic plot of the upcoming release, the clips usually make little sense and don’t pack the emotional punch they’r[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘Date Night’

— by RACHEL COYNE — I know it’s cool to hate on whatever is popular, but I’ve never been cool a day in my life, so I’ll just say it: I love Tina Fey and Steve Carell. I think they’re funny without being juvenile, clever without being inaccessible, and attractive without being[...]

Fey, Carrell Going on a ‘Date Night’

— by ALEXA MILAN — With dynamic duo Steve Carell and Tina Fey in the lead roles, it’s going to be very hard for “Date Night” to be anything but a hit. USA Today recently debuted a new photo (shown below) from the upcoming comedy. Carell and Fey star as a married couple looking to[...]