Posts Tagged ‘“Red Cliff”’

Under Review: ‘Red Cliff’

— by JOEL CRARY — John Woo’s “Red Cliff,” the first project of the now permanently Hollywood-ized director to be set in China and written exclusively in Mandarin in 16 years, clearly reveres Sun Tzu’s ancient “Art of War” treatise in the way it portrays war as a universal[...]

Two Battle Scenes from ‘Red Cliff’

— by ROBERT DeFEIS — John Woo, who is no stranger to making great action films, is the writer/director of this Chinese epic film. Woo based this movie on the Battle of Red Cliffs and the events during the end of the Han Dynasty. So, for me, with Woo directing a film about an immense[...]

A Scene From ‘Red Cliff’

— by JOSUE SANCHEZ — There were two things about the movie “Red Cliff” that immediately got my attention. First, it was directed by John Woo. And second, it is the most expensive, Asian-financed film ever made. Naturally, as an action-movie lover, I have followed John[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘Red Cliff’

— by TOM ELCE — The bizarre facial expression of an actor shortly into the new trailer for John Woo’s “Red Cliff” threatens to provoke a giggle-fit, but if the remainder of the appetizer for Woo’s latest spectacle is anything to go by, the movie appears to be more[...]