A Scene From ‘Red Cliff’


There were two things about the movie “Red Cliff” that immediately got my attention. First, it was directed by John Woo. And second, it is the most expensive, Asian-financed film ever made.

Naturally, as an action-movie lover, I have followed John Woo’s movie career for almost two decades. His style of fliming action is recognizable and a trademark. Although his movies are usually very violent, he manages to do violence in an artistic way, with style. “Red Cliff” is an epic scale movie, and by the looks of the clip below — titled “Tortoise Formation” — it is evident it is of grand scale. It is obvious that there was no expense spared to bring this historical movie to life.

This movie is based on the real battle of Red Cliffs, a decisive battle that occured between the Southern and Northern Chinese warlords Liu Bei, Sun Quan and Cao Cao. In this 2:40 clip, we get a glance at hundreds, perhaps thousands, of soldiers, preparing their unique, defensive military line-up called the “Tortoise Formation,” and it is rightfully named. It is impressive, massive and organized. It is a magnificient example of the resolute discipline that these ancient soldiers had.

I couldn’t help but think of that line from “The Princess Bride” that says, “Never get involved in a land war in Asia.” After viewing this clip, I can definitely see the wisdom of that advice.

The clip below is definitely violent. It has some realistic battle scenes, but they are battle scenes of a different time, a time when soldiers used bows and arrows and swords. When they used the land and the weather as an ally against their adversaries. In this clip alone, you will witness various techniques that the Asian military forces used in land wars. With arrows flying everywhere and heavy, thick clouds of dust blinding the horizon, this a must-see clip for fans of epic battle movies.

“Red Cliffs” will have a limited release starting on Nov. 20.

Source: Trailer Addict

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4 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    I have To See This Movie!

  2. Chestnut #

    That was sweet!

  3. Cam Smith #

    Well, it has to be better than “Paycheck”…

  4. PattiD41 #

    Wonderful review Josue. Very beautiful scenes. Cinematography is great. The movie looks interesting. I would watch it if it comes on TV

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