Posts Tagged ‘William Fichtner’

Review: Cold Brook

— by BEV QUESTAD — “Cold Brook” is about two best friends who are coping with getting older. Ted and George’s marriages are humdrum and the waitress at the diner doesn’t treat them like she used to. Ted is losing some coordination and it’s a worry. Reliving their youth, they jo[...]

Review: All the Devil’s Men

— by RON WILKINSON — Where do all the ex-special elite military go? If we believe writer/director Matthew Hope they engage in careers as mercenary bounty hunters, double cross each other and all quickly eliminated. That is, until there is only one left standing. Presumably he goes on to [...]

Under Review: ‘The Big Bang’

— by ADAM POYNTER — Late at night, a tired private investigator names Ned Cruz (Antonio Banderas) stumbles into his office to be surprised by the appearance of a recently-paroled Russian boxer named Anton Protopov (Robert Maillet) who wants him to track down his pen-pal girlfriend Lexie [...]

Under Review: ‘Drive Angry 3D’

— by ADAM POYNTER — As the awards season has come and gone, all of the hype over the Oscar-nominated films has passed and with yet a few months to go before the massive summer blockbusters start to roll into theaters, it’s the perfect time for those films that fit neither of those cate[...]

Three Clips from ‘Drive Angry’

— by AMANDA KOEHLER — Oh, Nic Cage. I’d like to say “how the mighty have fallen,” but to be honest, I’ve never been a Cage fan. There’s just something about him that doesn’t click for me. The only movies I’ve seen that I’ve enjoyed him in a[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘Drive Angry’

— by JOSUE SANCHEZ — Here is a possible formula for movies: take everything you loved about other movies, put it together and voila — instant hit. Right? Well, maybe not, or at least, we don’t know yet. After watching the international trailer below for the upcoming movie[...]