Teaser Trailer: The Host


“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” is due for a November theatrical release and author Stephenie Meyer has another film adaptation coming to the big screen on March 29, 2013, with “The Host.” This time, Meyer steers clear of the vampires and werewolves and delves into the world of alien invaders taking over Earth.

Talk of an adaptation of the novel began in 2009 and at its helm is writer/director Andrew Niccol (“Gattaca”). The film will star Saoirse Ronan (“Hanna,” “The Lovely Bones” and “Atonement”) as Melanie Stryder, Diane Kruger as the Seeker, Jake Abel, William Hurt, Frances Fisher and Max Irons.

If you are unfamiliar with the story, the synopsis from Stephenie Meyer’s website reads as follows:

    “The Host” is a riveting story about the survival of love and the human spirit in a time of war. Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy. Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact. Most of humanity has succumbed. What Melanie, one of the few remaining “wild” humans, is captured, she is certain it is her end. Wanderer, the invading “soul” who has been given Melanie’s body, was warned about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the glut of senses, the too-vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn’t expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind. When outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off on a dangerous and uncertain search for the man they both love.

It’s a departure from what we have seen already from the novelist, and the story plot is reminiscent in a way of “Invasion of the Pod People” or “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” But with a strong cast already filming in Louisiana and New Mexico there is a possibility it may not be as cheesy as it sounds. From this teaser trailer alone, though, viewers who are not familiar with the story already will not find much significance in the careful attention given to the eyes of each person highlighted in the trailer.

Watch the trailer below and let us know what you think in the comments section. Was it just enough to get you intrigued to purchase the book if you haven’t read it yet? Or were you a little disappointed in how very little they give you to get a true sense of what the story will be about?

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. kat #

    I read the book and am looking forward to seeing how the movie brings this story to life. I did picture Melanie older then Saoirse Ronan. Thanks for the update!

  2. Berufsunfähigkeit #

    I loved the book and I can’t wait to see this!

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