‘The Thin Man’ Remake Has a Director, Still Needs a Nora


At this point, it’s completely to superfluous to complain about Hollywood rebooting and remaking movies. It’s going to happen and there’s not much we can do about it (even avoiding most of them doesn’t seem to do the trick).

But with movies like “The Thin Man” series, you really have to wonder why they are re-making it. For those who haven’t seen them, the movies involve Nick and Nora, a married couple played by Myrna Loy and William Powell. Nick and Nora solve mysteries, but the mysteries are pretty forgettable. If you watch the movies (and you really should — they’re terrific), you will walk away remembering the two title characters, their witty banter and their cute little pooch, Asta. But you likely won’t recall whodunnit.

The chemistry between Loy and Powell is great. I mean, it’s all-time, out-of-this-world great. Now, I have no problem believing the plots can be re-done (or, heck, even improved upon). And they may even be able to find a dog who can wear Asta’s collar. But the film-makers are going to have to get really lucky to match — or even approximate — the chemistry of the leads.

We already know Johnny Depp is in line to play Nick. Depp is charismatic and would be among the names you would put together for the role (Brad Pitt, George Clooney, etc.). And we have just learned that Rob Marshall (“Chicago” and the latest “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie) is set to direct. That seems like a fine choice.

Marshall has shown he can handle different types of properties and do them well. But the next move — hiring the movie’s Nora — is where this film is likely to sink or swim.

My guess is that Angelina Jolie might have been very high on the list — before “The Tourist.” I think that movie showed us a teaming of Depp and Jolie would not remind anyone of Loy and Powell reborn. It also shows you how tricky this will be, as people had high hope for those two together.

Past that, I’m not sure who can step in Loy’s shoes. Most of the actresses I considered came in as too young or too something or other.

In any event, the role will be highly sought-after. So I am going to roll the dice and put in my prediction. Taking into account that the role will go to an actress with clout and box office appeal, one who can do comedy and show range, and one who is only one one year apart in age from Depp, I’m guessing Sandra Bullock.

What do you think? Do you have someone else in mind?

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5 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Sherice Antoinette #

    My choice for Nora. Julianne Moore.

  2. Jackson #


  3. Alexa M. #

    Sandra Bullock could be a good choice. I could also see someone like Kate Winslet doing a good job.

  4. Hal9000 #

    I wonder how the remake will deal with the couple’s comical alcoholism…

  5. Candice Marie #

    Ill Play it!!!! Naw this movie needs a Nice Sand and/ or Auburn hair kinda girl……HmM……. Johnny Depp Has a phenomenal mysterious side. need a good actress that will clash with him and make a good bang.