Tom Cruise Books Another ‘Mission’


Mike Fleming over at Deadline Hollywood reported Tuesday that Tom Cruise has signed a deal with Paramount Pictures to star in a fourth “Mission Impossible” film.

Paramount and Cruise parted ways in 2006, but they seem to have worked out their differences and are aiming for “Mission Impossible 4” to hit theaters Memorial Day weekend 2011.

J.J. Abrams, who directed “Mission Impossible 3,” will produce the project with Cruise, and Josh Applebaum and Andre Nemec will pen the screenplay. Applebaum and Nemec previously co-produced and wrote a few episodes of the Abrams-created hit television show “Alias.” No director has been selected yet.

Plot details have not been released, other than that Cruise’s Ethan Hunt will remain the central character in the film despite rumors of the contrary. It is also unknown whether cast members from previous films like Ving Rhames or Michelle Monaghan will return.

It will have been five years since the release of “Mission Impossible 3” by the time the fourth installment hits screens. But there was an even larger gap between the second and third films and the third film was a huge success.

Given Hollywood’s current obsession with sequels and re-launching franchises, it’s no surprise that Paramount wants to revive this series. Most films that go beyond a third installment feel tired to me, but with Abrams producing, I’m hopeful “Mission Impossible 4” could turn out all right.

I’ve actually only seen “Mission Impossible 3,” but it was a fun action film and Ethan Hunt is one of the few roles in which Cruise doesn’t annoy me, so I’m not opposed to a fourth installment as long as they find a decent director.

What do you think? Are you excited about “Mission Impossible 4,” or should Paramount just let the series die? And who do you think should direct? Sound off in the comments section.

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. moviefan #

    I have liked the mission impossible movies to a degree over the years. Should be interesting to see what they do for 4th and who they hire for the movie since jj isnt going to do it.

  2. Josue Sanchez #

    I have absolute faith this is going to be an amazing movie. They will get it right people!!