Trailer mashups (where they take two or more trailers and combine them into one trailer for a fictional movie) vary wildly in quality.
When done really well, however, they can actually make you a little sad that you will never actually see the movie in question.
For my money, this trailer — which pits DC Comics’ Batman vs. Marvel Comics’ Blade — falls into that category. I am a fan of both film series and, apparently, they look great when combined.
(Via the excellent site Live For Films. Check it out.)
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Very cool. Now I want to see that movie.
This rules!
Nice but Blade would kick this version of Bats easily. Really, no contest.
^would kick Bats butt.
That was a pretty good trailer mashup. It would be interesting if wb/dc ever did try to do a live action crossover movie for any characters.
I’ve seen better, but cool nonetheless.
Now that was AWESOME
guys thats fake