Trailer Talk: ‘Apollo 18’


In the 1970s, space exploration was at its peak, and with the success of Apollo 17’s mission to the moon, many have questioned why we never went back. But while there are hushed rumors that there was another mission to the moon, this fact has never been proven … until now.

“Apollo 18” is the latest in a series of movies featuring the “found footage” technique. Made in the fashion of “The Blair Witch Project” or the more recent “Paranormal Activity” and “The Last Exorcism,” “Apollo 18” takes us into outer space on a secret mission to the moon in which we get to experience every moment of joy, suspense and then horror as something goes terribly wrong and we realize that we are not alone.

This seems exciting to me, I’m just wondering how the quality of the video is going to be if this was supposed to be filmed in the ’70s. I’m not sure if I would be too happy paying to go see a movie on the big screen and having it being a grainy mess. I do get the slight feeling of familiarity with this trailer, just like in “Sunshine” while in space something goes wrong and a member of the crew goes insane and threatens the lives of everyone on the mission.

I do love the concept and am intrigued by the trailer and how it shows the events unfolding, but does the trailer maybe show a little too much? How do you think this movie will do in theaters? Does it seem like something that you would want to see, or is this fake footage trend starting to get old? Leave your comment and let me know!

“Apollo 18” opens April 22.

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    This is a very solid idea for a movie.

  2. Geraldine #

    I’d give it a go and just by watching the trailers it looks pretty good.

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